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DOwnload corel draw x3 free download filehippo is an all-improved graphic editor that you can use to design and create compelling logos, ads and websites; corel draw x3 trial version free download aimed at professional designers and artists and is one of the most appreciated vector graphics. CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X3 jumped onto shelves in January 2006, introducing a whopping 40 new features to designers. Built for use in advertising, printing, sign-making, engraving or manufacturing, the target audience was both professionals and occasional business users.
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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X3 system requirements:
- Windows 2000, Windows XP (Home, Professional, Media Edition, 64-bit or Tablet PC Edition), Microsoft Vista, or Windows Server 2003 with latest Service Pack
- Pentium III, 600 MHz or greater
- 256 MB RAM
- Mouse or tablet
- 1024 x 768 screen resolution (768 x 1024 on a Tablet PC)
- CD-ROM drive
- 200 MB hard disk space (CorelDRAW only; more space will be required for other suite applications)
- Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 or higher