Download Pspp For Windows 10

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for Microsoft Windows

Status: Tested Work in Windows 10 64bit Link Download: Download PPSSPP Gold Google Drive 9MB Download PPSSPP Gold MediaFire 9MB Cara Instal: Download. PSPP is normally installed in the C: Program Files PSPP directory, depending on the user's choice. C: Program Files PSPP UNINSTALL.exe is the full command line if you want to remove PSPP. Psppire.exe is the PSPP's primary executable file and it takes circa 15.39 MB (16136492 bytes) on disk. The following executables are installed together with.

System requirements

Download Pspp For Windows 10 32-bit

As of version 1.9.4, gretl requires Windows XP or higher and a processor that supports theSSE2 instruction set. SSE2 support is found in all modern processors; it is absent in AMD CPUsprior to the Athlon 64, and in Intel CPUs prior to the Pentium 4. For versions of gretl thatwill run on older systems, see below.

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If you have the rights of a 'power-user' or better on Windows, choose a self-installer from the first or second column below; just download and run the exe file. Thisapplies to most people.

If you have no administrator rights on Windows choose a zip archive from the third column;unzip this in any location where you have write permission. Note: you mustpreserve the internal directory structure of the archive or gretl will not work. In unzippingprograms this option may be called 'enable folders'. The whole archive is in a directory calledgretl. For example, if you unzip the archive into a directory namedc:userdata, the gretl GUI program will be atc:userdatagretlgretl.exe.

The current 'snapshot' of gretl is more up to date than the release: often it will contain bug-fixes but sometimes it will contain newly introduced bugs. To see what'snew in the snapshot, take a look at the Change log(the 'in progress' entry).

Note: the 32-bit version of gretl will run on 64-bit Windows, but not vice versa.If you're not sure if your Windows installation is 64-bit or not you can check at theMicrosoft knowledge base.If your Windows installation is reasonably current we recommend the 64-bitversion of gretl; the 32-bit version is a 'legacy' thing for older Windows.

self-installer (64-bit)

self-installer (32-bit)


/chromaphone-2-vst-download.html. zip archive (no admin rights)

Prototype 2 product code free download. latest release (Nov 21, 2020)


OR current snapshot

The executables were cross-compiled under GNU/Linux using mingw-w64. The free installer program is courtesy of Jordan Russell.

Pspp Free Download For Windows 10 64 Bit

Optional extras you may wish to install

X-13-ARIMA-SEATS (seasonal adjustment, ARIMA models)

x13as_install-64.exeOR (32-bit)x13as_install.exe

X-12-ARIMA (older version of the above)


TRAMO/SEATS (seasonal adjustment, ARIMA models)

Datasets for Wooldridge, Introductory Econometrics

Datasets for Gujarati, Basic Econometrics

Datasets + scripts for Stock and Watson, Introduction to Econometrics

stock_watson.exe, stock_watson_2.exe

Datasets + scripts for Hill, Griffiths and Lim, Principles of Econometrics

POE4data.exe, POE4scripts.exe

Datasets for Davidson and MacKinnon, Econometric Theory and Methods

Datasets for Marno Verbeek's Guide to Modern Econometrics

The above are all self-extracting installers. You must install gretl before installingthe extra items.

gretl for older systems

For older systems, gretl 1.9.3 runs on Windows 2000 (and does not require SSE2), and gretl 1.6.5 is the most recent version that will run on Windows 98.

Support for multiple languages

Besides English, gretl supports French, Italian, Spanish, German,Basque, Portuguese, Polish, Turkish, Czech, Albanian, Russian and Traditional Chinese. Normally it shouldn't be necessary to do anything special to get gretl to appear in the local language: the program comes with the full set of translations, and they should be used automatically, based on the language setting of your computer. In somecircumstances, however, it may be necessary to adjust your languagesetting to achieve the expected effect. This can be donein the Windows control panel.

Updating gretl

When updating an existing installation of gretl, it's a goodidea to first run the uninstaller programunins000.exe, which you should find in the main gretlfolder. This will ensure that you don't get odd behavior due to'stale' DLLs or Windows registry settings. Note that running theuninstaller will not touch any files you have created in thegretl/user folder, but it will erase any customizationsyou have made using the Preferences menu so you'll have tore-establish these when you start the new version of the program.

Running gretl over a network

There's a page of advice here for anyone wanting to configure gretl for Windows to be run over a network, as in a computer lab setting.

Building gretl for Windows

If you want to build gretl for Windows yourself, please lookhere for a detailedguide plus supporting files. The procedure described there relieson MSYS2 and Mingw-W64.

Obtaining GNU PSPP

PSPP is GNU software. You can obtain it the same way as with anyGNU software. PSPP should work on most modern computers and most operatingsystems. Systems which have been known to work include:GNU/Hurd,GNU/Linux,Darwin (Mac OS X), OpenBSD,NetBSD, FreeBSD, and Windows.


GNU Linux

We do not distribute precompiled binaries of PSPP. Computers come with so many different archtectures, kernels, operating systems that it would not be feasible for us to do so. However most modern operating systems come with PSPP pre-packaged. To install it, you simply type apt-get install pspp in the case of Debian derived systems; or yum install pspp in the case of Red Hat derived systems.

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Harry Thijssen provides installers or all downloadable files. The windows version is build as cross compile build on openSUSE. There is also a nightly build with development versions.


There are three ways to install PSPP on MacOS.

  • The Application bundle provides the gui version via a normal installer. If you do not know what XCode is - go for this one.
  • MacPorts. Run port install pspp-devel to get the latest and most featureful version of PSPP or port install pspp to get an older but possibly better tested version (more information).
  • Homebrew. The PSPP brew tap also includes a description how to install the stable or the development version of PSPP.

Please note: Because the PSPP developers have not prepared these binaries, we cannot in general vouch for them.


If you want to compile and install PSPP yourself, you can get the source code from this link be unavailable or unreasonably slow, please select a local mirror site.Once you have downloaded the tarball, refer to the INSTALLfile for installation instructions.

Development Versions

PSPP is under continual improvement. You can get development versions if you are interested to see what the developers are working on. Development versions have undergone less testing than released versions.

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You can fetch the latest development sources fromthe Savannah GITrepository.The installationprocedure is more complex than for released versions, so werecommend this only for developers.

Download Pspp For Windows 10 Download

Automated builds of the developmentversions are performed typically every day.